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I cannot believe that we not only got Hyunjin performing Play With Fire but we also got a Yeji and Hyunjin collab... WTF!!!!!!!! I speak about it in this reaction but I watched Hyunjin's Play With Fire performance video just 2 weeks into my youtube journey of getting to know SKZ and it had such a profound impact on me. It is still to this day one of my favourite dance choreographies ever. It's not that it's absolutely perfect or technical, but for some reason everything about it just impacted me in the best way. I love that dance SO MUCH!!!!! So I was on the verge of crying the whole time hahahaha

Loved that they had Tiger JK in the live performance, that was so good! And the live band for the rock version of LALALA was EEPPPIIICCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!



Tracy montague

hyunjin always is sweaty lol, probably because he puts all his effort it, but i think he just tends to get sweaty easy

Melanie Lillis

Hahahaha that’s very true! B it he was sweaty before he even started 😂 maybe he was warming up out back

Tanya Rose

aww, you started tearing up and then I started tearing up! I TOTALLY get what you were saying about the impact Play with Fire has had on you. It's a deep and emotional thing (an apt description for Hyunjin as a person, too :) )


Can't wait to watch this later! That hyunjin and yeji collab was something fans of both have been wanting for so long! The memes about them the passed few years have been fun! I wish collaborations within a company would happen more often but I don't really know what it takes behind the scenes to get that organized. I am thankful we got this to end the year! I wonder if Han got Tiger JKs number this time around? If he did, it would be epic if they caught that interaction on SKZ talker

Lia Roslyn

the reason he was so sweaty was because they performed it SO MANY times. hyunjin (and i think yeji occasionally) weren’t happy with the takes so they ended up performing it a lot.


I agree with you in the backing track thing. My assumption on why they do it is 1) because of the time of year, like you said, and all the performances, lack of sleep, and travel they’re doing. Probably does a big number on their voices. 2) I honestly think it has a lot more to do with the broadcasting companies they go on, and what they allow for the recordings. So many other groups also have to do that. On some shows, the groups literally aren’t allowed to sing live and can only lipsync. It’s sad. Not that I know this for sure, but I wouldn’t even be surprised if skz brought backtracks without backing vocals on it, and they aren’t allowed to use it. It’s even worse when the companies also lower the volume of the mic’s so the live tones aren’t heard as clearly, if at all, and only leave the crispy clean studio tracks behind. I’m pretty sure this is the exact reason why they DO sing a little differently and sound ‘off’ during shows lol. So they can show and prove that they do vocalize live; which is something they used to be accused of NOT doing, constantly. Idk… I also find it upsetting. I know skz also use these in their concerts and stuff; it’s not just official recordings like these. But I think it’s more out of their hands for these things 😕😔


Mel you should watch Lee Know’s white love fancam… I don’t like the song either but he is just so freaking adorable! Unpopular opinion but to me he’s naturally the cutest member in SKZ


the way you feel about play with fire is how i feel about the when the party's over skz-player. Hyunjin's such an emotive dancer, you can't help but feel something! during danceracha's performance i couldn't help but say cute the whole time especially with Lee Know being so smiley 😊 also the backing tracks are so distracting sometimes! like i'd understand them being in their in ears so they know where they need to be, especially for choreo heavy stuff, but sometimes it makes them sound slightly off. Tiger JK wasn't even wearing in ears which could be why he sounded a bit off at the start, but i feel like the backing track didn't need to be that loud, especially with a song where there's no choreo. i know Chan explained all the reasons they use them during a live once, but i'm not sure what ep of Channie's room that was.

sabina schou

i can't even look at hyunjin in this.. i just know it's too much for me 😄😭😍 like.. it makes me heart die and i would like my heart to stay still. but with this, these two twins, i just can't... ugh🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 stop it hyunjin.


I believe hyunjin’s solo was done 10 times and yeji’s about 7 times, then they did multiple takes for their joint one to make them satisfied! I read a report of it the girl said it takes almost 3 hours for this collaboration shooting to finish that’s why hj is so sweaty in the beginning already lol

Feike Van Hooijdonk

To add to that, I believe Hyunjin just starts to sweat real fast aswell. He's always the most sweaty...

Nen McKenzie

omg you should watch skz talker ep63! can see how much work hyunjin put in for this performance and that entire day-poor guy was so tired. but he made the track for play with fire and was so involved with the direction and ep63 shows how much it’s so fascinating