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This compilation was the most wholesome thing ever. They are so cute! True brother-hood. You can really tell they have such a beautiful bond, and it's beautiful to see how soft Seungmin becomes around I.N. He really loves him so much and is always wanting to be close with him.

I said in my reaction that if anyone can find a compilation of Jeongin being the clingy one to any of the members, please send me. I don't think one exists though lol. Innie gets too much love from everyone else that he doesn't the desire for others LOL



lucy jung

they are so sweet they have such a lovely friendship! seungmin is so caring towards i.n and even though i.n acts like he would trade seungmin in for a quarter- he will always pick him first for anything and spend so much time together. little angels!


Awwwwww ❤️❤️❤️. I love them so much.


ah the sweetest 🥰 such a wholesome and funny duo. innie is definitely not a clingy human, but i feel as though him watching them fondly is his way of showing affection haha

Nicole W.

This is the closest I could find haha I.N loves his hyungs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOVfoSSDjmc

Lilly Maze

And here's part 2 🔗 https://youtu.be/wXwkk3rHWcU?si=nZHPkDfcnK8KFSlL


The one I.N initiates skinship with the most is probably Felix. Here’s a compilation https://youtu.be/VeZ9Iqglah4?feature=shared


I’d say he only initiates ski ship is Felix