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I am sooooooo happy I got to watch this episode. I have been wanting to watch more of Jessi's showterview interviews for so long now and I just never seem to find the time. She is so funny with guests and I'm still so sad she isn't on the show anymore. Definitely need to watch some of her other eps with other idols. 

Thank you to JVicente for this great request, I had a blast watching! 

  • Minho undergo harsh hazing with Jessi 《Showterview with Jessi》 EP.38 by Mobidic




"eye wrinkle" xD u mean crow's feet right? xD


music show promotional periods were a lot longer than they are now. these days, a group performing on all weekly music shows for 2-3 weeks is considered standard, 3 weeks being almost long. but during 1st gen, if u were the 2 runners up for a weekly 1st place position, you'd be performing for however long ur song was placed either 1st of 2nd on the charts, so some 1st gen groups performed the same song for half a year because they were the potentional 1st place. it was still quite long for 2nd gen groups, most of them performing for like a month, maybe two if they were really popular. 3rd gen onwards changed a lot, specifically coz of exo and bts (in my opinion at least). since groups were going overseas even more, and then streaming turned into the new points system rather than album sales, that shifted the amount of time a group performed their latest song, but also fandoms became more involved (like how exo-l's boycotted mnet/mcd because of the way they weren't treating exo properly (wow what a shocker lol). companies became more selective of which networks their groups would be on, etc. so when shinee released their songs in the 2000s, it was EVERYWHERE. every shop, every school performance, every radio and tv show... they were the latest and youngest bg from sme and welp, then they'd perform their best songs at the end-of-year award shows, so it was pretty inescapable hahaha and in the 00s, well, think about how we had to burn CDs if we didn't have the actual official CD, or how many songs an mp3 could hold, most ppl could only have a certain number of songs within their devices so


that preview clip for the episode after this was with the very popular comedian Cho Seho (sometimes written as Jo Seho or Cho Saeho)


Thanks you for the reaction Melanie, glad you enjoyed it. A great follow-up (if you can find the time) is Jessi and Key (Shinee) ... it hilarious. I love it when her competive streaks starts.

Zola Peterson

Her episode with Shinee Key is THHHEEEEE BESTTTTTT. key matches her energy!!

Erin M.

I highly recommend watching SHINee's episode on the odg channel. They go through their career with the kids and it's so cute! I also second watching Jessi's interview with Key, they have a lot of fun together.