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Hey patreon fam ❤️

It has once again been brought to my attention that there has been further evidence of suspected manipulation during the livestream poll voting.

I have brought this up in the past in hope that a simple mention that I was aware of this was enough for it to be stopped.

The poll is a fun way for the live viewers to decide on what video(s) will be watched if we have extra time, if your second request isn’t watched, just request it for the next week, there is no need to do unfair voting.

Due to this, we are implementing a new voting system. This new system will involve a google form where your zoom username will need to be entered when voting. This is to ensure that the voting is done FAIRLY.

I love these lives and LOVE that I have a system where all of my VIP’s have their first option watched each week. Please respect my channel and respect all the other patrons on the live who are doing the right thing.

Thank you for understanding.


sabina schou

lol WHAT ! why would anyone cheat for a reaction 😄😭

Tracy montague

this is so silly, its not like we cant just request if the following week if ours isnt chosen. in some ways if it was easy, it would just be better to put it on your wheel of fortune :)


Omg again??