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This has to be one of the funniest show concepts. I love dead pan humour so much! The chemistry between the staff asking the questions and the boys responses was so good/funny! 

Such a crack up the entire episode. I.N trying to get the skipping rope timing right was so adorable hahahaha i love these boys so much!




this is what ive been waiting for!!! im so excited to watch this! thanks for the post!

Ava PereZ

can’t wait to watch this with you!!!


Oo wow I didn’t see ppl speculating about Han on Twitter but I definitely thought he didn’t seem like his usual self this comeback. I’m just glad he’s in a group that loves and support him so much so I’m sure he can get through wtv he’s dealing with.

Melanie Lillis

Yeah it’s comforting to know who he is surrounded by. And hey it’s all just speculation but the speculation comes from a place of love. We just all want him to be happy and healthy 💜

lucy jung

such a cute episode! i love them on this show and i definitely think these kind of more improv type shows are definitely suited for some of the loud members and like chan said in the last one that he can't keep up with the rest of them sometimes hahah. For chan, i worry always but like you said it's nice to hear from him and how he's doing even if its not great news but it's been a lot of radio silence from jisung so hope he's doing well! I definitely do think han has been a lot quieter and less himself this comeback a lot of K stays at prerecording have mentioned he's not as smiley and really quiet so im assuming he doesn't feel well but luckily the members are really supportive and have been pretty attached to him lately which is really sweet, like the skz talker that came out today where they said lee know is the quokka protector, he really is!


I always look forward to this show so much! It's one of my favorite things each comeback. It's always so funny. About Han, I know some people don't like speculation but sometimes it's really obvious something is wrong and I don't think it's good to ignore that. He said a couple weeks ago he was sick with a cold I think but idk if that is related because he said he recovered, but maybe it's still affecting him a little. People who went to the music show prerecordings were saying that he was very quiet. From watching very recent things like the music show interviews and fanmeet it does seem like those people are right and he isn't his usual self. I see what you were saying about how even in this there were a couple parts where he acted different than usual but to me in this he seems way better than he has the past week so I am a little bit worried. I hope he feels better soon.

Aryanna Jay

People were mostly just making jokes about the omega/alpha thing because the translation is basically just that but Korean version it was like strong male vs weak male. but, people were just making jokes about the omega verse because of how Han reacted and stuff like that.


this time around it definitely felt less structured/scripted in a sense compared to the past ones, but i feel like they always have them do little activities. so funny though, i felt like Changbin was the star in this one. so funny 😂 i haven't read anything about Han, but in the content that i have watched, i have noticed that he seems more mellow/shy than usual so i just hope he's doing okay. (: that moment where Lee Know encouraged him to say it again more confidently, i replayed like 5 times because it was so sweet.


Not sure in Korea, but in China the oldest needs to eat first before anyone can touch the food. Usually in family I will need to wait for grandparent to start eating then I will start, so I guess it is similar in korea~ also I noticed Han seem a lot more quiet and shy even kind of forced a smile most of the time. I’m pretty worried for him actually… hope everything is gonna be ok!

Melanie Lillis

I think there is also something comforting about knowing that Han knows stays understand. And maybe that takes pressure off him having to “pretend” he is ok when he is not. Just hoping he is ok but I know he has a great support around him 💖


I also thought that Seungmin said that about Han seeming embarassed for that reason. It’s really sweet how the members look out for him. The part where he got shy and Lee Know gave him a nod of encouragement and rubbed his back is so wholesome 🥹 It reminds me of that Japanese interview from last year (I think?) where he said Lee Know is his anti-anxiety pill.


Oh Hannie, he didn't say anything about that anywhere, but is it true that in this cb he look a bit down? I mean, I see him in the same way as you, we know him, although it's his personality, he's usually confident in entertainment shows, that's why I felt that way. But well we can't take things because of what we only see on a screen, the same thing that happened in the Maniac era with Lee Know, maybe it's just tiredness. I also think that IF he is going through some anxiety, it may be linked to so many new programs, perhaps unknown environments that throw him off balance and that there are less of them maybe? like in this studio I saw him a little more comfortable, maybe he gains confidence when they are 8 but well, we don't know. I just hope it's okay because it hurts me in another way.


The subs for this episode were especially bad... though I admire SKZ for still being funny despite that

surem (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 00:59:22 yes! you can see the translation here (the last question) i’ve seen multiple translations for the word he uses, mental stabilizer, tranquilizer, anti-anxiety pill, etc https://twitter.com/hanglobal_/status/1550542913213308928?s=46&t=vMxYpC-8r1zee7hRP9duFA
2023-06-07 18:08:01 yes! you can see the translation here (the last question) i’ve seen multiple translations for the word he uses, mental stabilizer, tranquilizer, anti-anxiety pill, etc https://twitter.com/hanglobal_/status/1550542913213308928?s=46&t=vMxYpC-8r1zee7hRP9duFA

yes! you can see the translation here (the last question) i’ve seen multiple translations for the word he uses, mental stabilizer, tranquilizer, anti-anxiety pill, etc https://twitter.com/hanglobal_/status/1550542913213308928?s=46&t=vMxYpC-8r1zee7hRP9duFA


Loooving every content. This is the most feminine I've seen of Felix.


Why do I get the vibe that Changbin might have been friends with the staff asking him questions? They just bickered really well 😅. As for Han tbh to me he just looks really tired. I'm not sure if it's an anxiety thing but he's giving me overloaded vibes (speaking from an autistic perspective). Like they've been doing so much this year even before the comeback I think he might just be a bit overtired and so the mental energy isn't there to be as outgoing as usual. He's a big introvert so he'll need recharging time where he just does nothing around noone and he might not have had much chance recently. Hopefully everyone just lets him be a bit lowkey this era without making too much noise about something seeming 'wrong'. Sometimes you just get a bit burnt out, and people hyperfocussing on it could make him feel bad, so whilst I fully understand people's concerns and speculations, I hope we as Stay very much keep that discussion off his radar so he can recharge without feeling added pressure that if he's a bit quiet people will make a fuss. (This isn't about you btw just like a general comment when I've seen people comment on skz instagram posts and such). I can't believe it's not even a full week since the comeback, so much has been going on! I hope they are just enjoying it though, some of them seem really upbeat this comeback and I love seeing their excitement.

Linda Johansson

Don’t know about the mistranslation but I googled Omega male and it kinda fit Changbin. 😆 And the captions basically calling him psychotic when he flirted with Hyunjin was hilarious.