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I mentioned this at the end of me reaction but it's so interesting to watch them just hang out together and literally do whatever they are feeling in the moment without having to worry about any sort of schedule. 

It's also fascinating to see the different individual interests and how they choose to spend their time - cooking, adventure, arts and crafts, sport, relaxing, sleeping, hanging out alone/ hanging out with people etc... 

Next week we will finish the last 30 mins of this episode as well as the next Game Caterers episode xx




Black Eye is already out lmao, you should check it out


Also it's incredibly hard to be scientifically sure that anything is carcegenic, there is no substantial proof that eating burnt food is a cause for cancer, so they're fine and so are you lmao

Erika Peleckaitė

Vernons Black Eye came out just before Christmas lol It's English track, love it :)