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Soooooooo I thought by watching the previous Gose episode that I would have more insight into their outfits, but it doesn't seem so lol - can someone explain hahaha

Looooooooooved the Fo Squad interview SOOOOOOO much!!!!




The outfits are because they thought this was going to be an office outing. Thats why some of them look like typical middle-aged korean men going on an outing. No narrative reason to Minghhao's bear hat lmao. Also they call Jeonghan jjong jjong (you can even hear woozi calling him that in this episode) or simply jeonghannie. I feel that hannie is what internationall fans call him cuz korean fans call him jjong jjong. Also Hoshi was sure it was Mingyu cuz gyu was saying he was the thief, but Hoshi's the thief. He made the stuff about the glasses up cuz he didn't wanna reveal he was the thief.

Danielle (SHE)

So there are five roles (2 Mafias, 1 Thief, 1 doctor and 1 police officer)in the game and it was obvious to all the members that those that didn’t gate “꽝“ in their papers had roles. With Jeonghan being the doctor, Seungkwan being the police officer , the moment they knew that Mingyu has a role ,it was obviously between Mafia and thief cause they knew who had the other roles so Hoshi knew that he was the thief ,that’s why he realised that there is no way that Mingyu is the thief and is definitely the Mafia… I think I know the word you were talking about Mel and I think I’ve seen them use it mostly when they were saying someone was “out” and if I remember correctly in other content I watched ,they usually translate “꽝“ to “empty” or “nothing”


So silpae means „fail“ or I‘ve even seen it trsanslated as „mistake“ so it‘s used more along the line of „you failed“ like in a game. kkwang is „dud“ so like when you draw stuff it‘s written for an empty paper meaning you don‘t get any prize. You also mentioned dallak (?) which means „out“/„eliminated“. I don‘t have a hangul keyboard and I‘ve never learned korean but this is just what I picked up on from variety shows so take it with a grain of salt :) also would love to see your reaction to FO Squads interview with p1h, that one is great (I think there might even be two with them)!


Not sure that this helps since you’ve bought the content on weverse and want to react from there, but I know another reactor who had the same issue and ended up just reacting to the videos uploaded on ok.ru/ a carat uploaded them to a google drive. If you want the links to these I can send them!


I have a link to the caratland concert as well!

Danielle (SHE)

Mel was watching some XDINARY Heroes content and the word is spelt 탈락 meaning out

Melanie Lillis

Ahhhhhhh 탈락!! That’s the one I was thinking of 🙈 thanks for these explanations, it helps heaps!

Melanie Lillis

THAT’S IT!!!! I knew it had a 탈라 sound, didn’t realise it ended in ㄱ. Thanks so much

Melanie Lillis

Ohhhh they were being middle aged men? LOL! That’s so funny. Jjong jjong is so cute 😭😭😭

Mery Ordaz

If you're watching Caratland, I recommend "Day 3" since they went all out since it was the last day. Let me know if you need a link :)

Erika Peleckaitė

All 3 days now is uploaded on svtflix :) i haven't watched myself yet, might end up watching with you, if you decide to wach it :D

냔냐 킴

탈락 = fail (in), drop out (of), be eliminated "꽝" is a slang word that is used almost exclusively for drawing lots. "실패" feels more serious than that and is used in everyday life.


Sorry for the late reply!! https://hanniefiles.uwu.ai/ this carat uploads a lot of content that’s good quality and easy to stream! Hopefully it works for you :)