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Woooooow, well this really got me in my feels. I didn't expect it to have such a "self reflective" impact on me haha. I absolutely loved this and really am so grateful that Woo was given the opportunity to share his story, express his thoughts and receive these beautiful compliments - he truly deserves it.

The dance as incredibly special and definitely would have the impact he is hoping for - something people go back to for comfort in their dark times.



Benedetta Baldi

The documentary made me emotional… As Wooyoung I suffered from loneliness and even today I suffer a little I understand the need to please people to make connections with them to feel less alone

Christina Lee

I 100% ugly cried during the documentary and his performance. That performance... absolutely beautiful. Like, beautiful. I was thinking about what I would give you as an object. Through all your videos and everything, I think I'd give you a sparkler. You know those sticks that you light during holidays? Hope you know what that is, well, i just googled it and, good news, i used that word correctly. LOL, so if you google it you will get what i'm trying to say. I think you feel and think a lot. A lot - being the key word. just like the light at the end of a sparkler. Quite strong. Passionate for things you love. I'm not sure about 9 things. I think one would be a cute plushie. Maybe a bunny, or a sheep (not a goat). And one thing my friend has said that I treasure to this day: I think i'd use glue as one of my objects. I think it was mentioned in wooyoung's documentary. just not with glue... was it tape? i forgot :( But he said I was glue because I hold relationships together. At our church, the people who are around my age and his (its about a 9 year gap), are few and we have totally different personalities, all of us. there was a time when we didn't hang out a lot, and I didn't see it myself, but apparently he was grateful that I held our friend group together by thinking of hangouts, checking on everyone, chatting in our group chats, etc. That I think is one of the most wonderful things i have heard said about me. Thank YOU always for continuing to react to so many things. Not a lot of people can do what you do. Love you!

Melanie Lillis

Omg YOU ARE SO SWEET! I love that ✨✨✨✨✨ 😭😭😭😭 Also I would love to share some of your glue haha! I value friendships but don’t make enough effort. It would be so nice to be the person who keeps friendship groups “alive” I think that’s a very special quality you have 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️