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I am really sorry, I said I would be doing 1N2D Ep.2 today, but I slept in because I was soooo tired 🥲🥲 I will bee doing it for my next reaction this week though. Apologies!

This was hilarious though omg..... So many funny moments! 🤣🤣🤣




lol Joon and I are the same, high enough on life already that alcohol is not really necessary


I think the confusion you were picking up on was due to the fact that both Brian and Joon are both from America so some things are getting lost in translation, especially Joon lol its been years and he's still just as lost but also often on shows they purposely don't know or act like they don't know stuff so the guests can talk and explain


Ive watched this episode like more than 10x already its so funnnyyy hahah


I think bc the concept of this show is just be be ridiculous, they intentionally don't give them too much info about the groups so everything will be even funnier. Joon somehow still barely knows Korean lmaoooo and this is him after he's gotten better because like back in like 2014/2015(and years and years before that bc he's a 1st gen idol) he was worse lmao. Brian just also has no filter at all either and it's just makes the most insane combination.


as an introvert i would be stressed out of my mind being there with a whole hoard of papz right outside. soooo much pressure.