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Some cute and fun segments to watch today fam. I.N loving his hyungs (.... does anyone know what his love language is? I can't remember if he has said it). As well as Song Association Pt.2 which I was super impressed (but not shocked) by Han. He slayed that game hahaha

I really want to play it!



Sam I.

i love these fun compilation reactions! get well soon mel!


don't think he's ever said what his love language is, but from these clips specifically, a mix of acts of service and words of affirmation (although seconds later he could deliver a savage comment so who knows lol) song association is so much fun! i feel like i do that in normal life all the time anyway when someone says a word that triggers a song haha. a games live would be so fun though!


You kinda match Hyunjin's hairstyle and their Back Door outfits in the Elle interview Mel 😁