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This was SO MUCH FUN!!!!! Thank you so much to everyone that joined. It's definitely so much more fun watching all together.

For those who missed it, enjoy the replay xx




Hey Mel. Thank you for uploading and watching with us yesterday! 🫶🏽💖 It was amazing…


Yayy now I can watch the part that I missed :) Thank you again for streaming and recording🥹♥️


thanks for uploading this!! 🫶


Thank you Mel, you're a star 🫶🏼


Thank you, Mel!

sabina schou (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-11 21:41:25 that first video... haha TOTAL interstellar vibe 😄
2024-04-01 11:42:22 that first video... haha TOTAL interstellar vibe 😄

that first video... haha TOTAL interstellar vibe 😄


Watched it in my own yesterday but I’m super excited to watch it again and see your reaction to everything, thanks for uploading it! (:


This is nothing against you or the people who made these comments in the live, I just wanted to give my opinion on what was said. (: So in this live you spoke about how you felt like Han wasn’t doing very well so I just wanted to touch on that briefly. Han said in a recent live stream that he's been staying away from social media and fixing his sleep schedule and giving up caffeine as well. He spoke about how he's been trying to find inner peace and do some self healing. I think Han has just grown into himself and no longer feels the need to be so hyper all the time. I think he's just matured and decided to shed this over the top persona that was created years ago. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t happy. So I just find it unnecessary to try and psychoanalyze his behavior all the time like so many stays tend to do the second he isn’t yelling or screaming in official content. Of course we love when Han is silly and hyper but just because he isn’t as hyper anymore doesn’t mean he isn’t doing well. I think saying stuff like this does more harm than good because it puts pressure on Han to constantly be this hyper active person when he might not feel like it. If Han says that he's happy (which he did during his ending meant) I think we should just accept that and not try to analyze his mental health when we don’t know him personally. So yeah that’s all. (: And like I said I have nothing against you and I understand that there was no ill intentions behind what was said, I just wanted to state my opinion on the matter because I have heard people say similar things one too many times. Now in 5-star era he definitely wasn’t doing well and you could tell but that’s not the same as how he's acting now. I genuinely think he's just matured as a person this past year and no longer finds it necessary to uphold this "clown" persona anymore, especially when he doesn’t feel like it.


Prefacing this with what you also said, I mean no offense - I think part of what you’re saying can lead into something that is just the opposite end of an extreme spectrum with how people talk about Han and his mental health. I agree that we tend to overanalyze, and I think it’s fine if we do it in a private space, but I also agree that it can be a bit much. However, saying that he “matured” is overanalyzing too. People are dynamic human beings who show different sides. Jisung being more quiet lately doesn’t mean he’s grown out of being hyper. He could be going through something right now, or he could just be in a different headspace that isn’t inherently negative. He may feel more comfortable showing this natural side of himself rather than playing it up for the cameras. We know by watching his vlogs that he is quiet and introverted, rather than jumping around hyper like in their contents - those vlogs were filmed around the same times they had contents where he was acting very hyper. My point is, those two sides of him can, and do, coexist. It doesn’t mean his personality has changed or that he’s grown out of certain characteristics. I agree that constantly pointing it out puts a certain pressure on him. Overall I agree with what your general point was, so don’t think I’m offended or disagreeing with you. I merely wanted to add to it, not so much with you because it seems like you understand he didn’t just completely change, but moreso for everyone so that people don’t take that part too far. That’s what I meant by extreme, so it wasn’t personal. Personally, I dislike when people say things like “always be happy!” to idols. Someone had a sign at the fanmeeting directed towards Han that said that, and he seemed to appreciate it, he smiled - but I just don’t like that mentality. Telling someone to always be happy is not only impossible, but it’s really just not a compliment? We should support them and love them even if they’re not happy. Only loving someone when they’re happy and bright isn’t loving someone, in my opinion. Again, I don’t pretend to know this fan in particular so maybe they don’t think that way, and I know Mel doesn’t think that way, but there are some stans who do.


i wasn't able to join the live but I really wanted to:) Thank you for uploading this!<3<3

Nicole W.

Would you ever rewatch the Chocolate Factory Fanmeeting? You never recorded it and it could be hilarious haha