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Hi merry Christmas and happy holidays everybody! ...Also, I'm still alive! I made it to Toronto and am gradually settling back in here, although frustratingly most of my stuff still won't show up for another week (it was all shipped in a Upack cube by train). That includes my computer, which means I haven't been able to work on all the stuff I've wanted to this past month... So no Sublo-related Christmas present for you after all. I should have gotten some stuff together ahead of time for the move, but it all snuck up on me. Believe me, I'm more frustrated than anyone by the lack of updates here. I have so much work in progress I want to finish and share, but my hands have been kind of tied the past month. I can't even open my files at the moment until my stuff arrives! It feels like a weird purgatory, although I have been able to start the writing process for some potential distant-future episodes (season 4?!!)

Picking up and moving across the continent is a hell of a lot of work! I'm still not sure it was the right move, it's too early to say-- I'm still living out of a suitcase and it hasn't really sunk in that I'm not eventually going back to my LA apartment. My visa expired, so ultimately I didn't have much choice. The industry down there is still in the toilet from the streaming bubble popping and all the strikes, and it seems about the same up here in Canada but I want to focus on indie work more anyway this year. I had a lot of big distractions in the back half of 2023, but I'll be able to prioritize Sublo and Tangy Mustard more consistently in 2024. I still intend to finish the Christmas mini-episode I planned for this year, although I'll save it for public release until next December.

The world has been full of horrors lately, and my personal life has been very chaotic too. It can be hard to feel like your own little art work matters in the middle of all that, but I certainly find, like with the pre-vaccine pandemic isolation a couple of years ago, it's nice to be able to turn to media I love for a sense of consistency and comfort. I want to be able to provide that for others (pretentious I know, but it's a good motivator!) and I haven't really been able to for a few months. I want to make up for that, so as soon as I have access to my files and computer setup again I'll release the full Sublo and Tangy Mustard season 1 and 2 soundtracks, another batch of outtakes/bloopers, some more audio commentary and possibly another artbook... along with picking up progress on both the main episodes and little bonus ones.

So anyway for now, I thank you again for your patience and generosity in supporting this Patreon, and happy holidays and I promise you're gonna get some good stuff in early 2024!




Merry Christmas man! So glad you made it to Toronto safely! Super excited to see what's to come. I'm sure it'll all be FUCKIN AWESOOOOME!! :D

Steven Yong

Sorry about LA but welcome back home to the great white north! Well tbh it was a pretty green Christmas!