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Hi everyone! I don't have much exciting to share, but I was just asked if I'm still even posting on here so it's probably time for an update...

In Sublo and Tangy Mustard news, I'm still revising radioplays for the next few episodes. I write and record these seasons all at once, so sometimes when I get around to actually making each individual episode months/years later, I think "hmm I don't know if I'm happy with that bit..." I also think the Nightclub episode also burned me out more than I initially realized. I have been chipping away at things and I'm really excited about these upcoming episodes, but I obviously lost a bit of momentum finishing that giant one. I put everything into it for a while rather than what I usually try to do, which is to balance of working on future episodes alongside the current one to maintain overall progress. I've also been doing a few freelance jobs here and there, which adds to the stop-and-start nature of Sublo work but obviously pays more... I'll probably share the jobs I liked on here as they come out. The general state of the world has also made it hard-- there's a lot to be upset about and distracted by at the moment.

In personal news, I'm sorting out a move back home to Toronto in early December. It's been a long time coming, since pre-pandemic! I'll really miss seeing all my LA friends regularly... but I guess once you've lived in more than one place you'll always be missing the people elsewhere. Plus I'll come back to visit (and maybe even work) sometimes. But anyway, downsizing my belongings, packing and figuring out logistical stuff is all a bit of a time-suck.

None of this is meant as an excuse for the lack of updates. Just know that things are moving forward, and I'm extremely grateful for your patience on here. You will get *something* from me by Christmas.

Also, I went to GKIDS's Animation is Film festival in October and saw a couple of new animated movies - one (The Concierge) I didn't really care for, and one that I loved: "Art College 1994," a semi-autobiographical film by Chinese filmmaker Liu Jian (whose last movie "Have a Nice Day" was also great). His stuff feels totally unique in animation, both visually and in the writing. Art College 1994 is both extremely bold and extremely understated. He's built up his own animation vernacular, completely removed from the stylistic tropes or cliches you see in either western or anime stuff. It's much more of a live-action approach than somebody with an animation background, and not just because of the rotoscoping. His work isn't for everyone, but I find it endlessly inspiring both just because I actually enjoy it and because it's so unapologetically idiosyncratic. In our industry everyone is always pushing you to make things less weird, less personal and more like everything else that's already out there. Check it out if you get the chance!


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