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I directed the opening titles to this show last year. They also had me do an initial animation test much earlier (pre-pandemic!) to visualize what the characters might look like in motion, when the show was first greenlit. I wasn't aware of the comic it was based on, and certainly had no idea the creator was a vocal pro-lifer until after I'd already signed on. I didn't have a great time on this, between the material, the spotty communication and the fact that they had me animate the whole thing myself before deciding to have the main animation studio redo it so that it matched the look of the actual show (like I told them they should from the beginning)... But I guess it's out now and somebody has already uploaded the intro on youtube. Pretty sure Dan Harmon didn't have a creator credit back when I did my version, interesting.

They sure waste a lot of money in the animation industry putting people with no experience, or even real interest in animation, in charge. The whole experience reaffirmed a lot of my negative feelings towards the industry. Anyway maybe if you squint at this, you can see some of me-- I added bits like the alien coming out of the man-hole, having one of the aliens fall off the building and then click his heels as he comes up. But watch it with the sound off!

I've been mainly working on freelance lately, but also picking away at personal work. No big finished cartoons to share, but I'll try to post some sketchbook stuff this week at the very least before going to New York for Animation Block Party! Thank you for the continued support, even during in-between periods like this where I have less to share. I promise I am cooking some stuff up that I think you'll like!


Strange Planet Opening in 4K

Welcome to a distant planet not unlike our own, with hilarious yet poignant observations on life, love, and friendship—told in the most peculiar way. From creators Nathan W. Pyle and Dan Harmon. #opening #appletv #strangeplanet


Daniel Elliott

Thank you as always for the insight. You never cease to make me glad that I moved from being a professional animator to a photographer so I can just focus on animating what I want in my free time.

Aaron Long

haha! well, honestly about half the time I like working in the industry fine (compared to a 'normal' day job) but doing my own stuff on my own terms is of course always more fun.


oof, cool insight though!