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I animated a special 1930s-pastiche flashback sequence for Clone High season 2 episode 9 "For Your Consideration" (which came out today) with help from my friend Jennifer Stachovic. We were given the animatic and a character lineup/style reference, and basically left to our own devices to execute the four-and-a-half minute sequence.

The original Clone High has been a favourite show of mine since it first aired, and a huge influence on my sense of humour. I was honestly apprehensive about the idea of a revival, let alone working on it. I was afraid to see how the sausage got made and potentially taint my memories of the original, but doing a standalone section like this was an ideal way to be able to say "I worked on Clone High!" while still experiencing the rest of the new show purely as an outside viewer. Obviously I can't share the sequence itself on here, but these are a few stills from it.

We had to work very quickly so it's not perfect, but we also wanted it to feel hand-made so we were okay with some sloppiness. Our goal was to go for a fat brush line and more jerky, stop-and-start movement like the early Koko the Clown stuff (really more 1920s) rather than the more fluid constantly-cycling style referenced in stuff like Cuphead. But inevitably with the demands of this much dialogue and acting, it's hard to commit to full accuracy. It's sort of a loose pastiche.

Check out the final image for a little cameo from a couple of my old Fester Fish characters! Blottie and Poseidon seemed sort of appropriate to fill out a 1930s-style crowd, and basic enough that they wouldn't stand out.



Taylor Abrahamse

Ok after watching that episode, you can rest assured you're part of the best ever Clone High episode... heartfelt congratulations... Wesleyyyyy

Aaron Long

haha thanks! it is a fun one, maybe my favourite of the season... although I prefer the original show!


OOOOHHH those identical twin boys!