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I've been putting together digital artbook PDFs for Sublo and Tangy Mustard. I'll release them on here episode by episode. Attached to this post is the PDF for Tito's Pants (as well as the short Casual Friday episode, but other than a single page of thumbs there wasn't much for that one). I hope you like it... I hope you can even open it! I've never made this kind of thing before. Above are a few sample pages. I'm working on another one for Nightclub and eventually earlier seasons/episodes as well. Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been slowly starting on new episodes as well as getting this and various other behind-the-scenes stuff together, and recovering from post-release burnout from Nightclub! I'm also about to visit home to see friends and family.




Thanks for posting this! So cool to see your thought process, especially for the character designs. Seeing the fast and loose thumbnails is also really helpful to see for someone who can't even commit pen to paper these days (me lol)

Aaron Long

glad you found this interesting Daran! it's a little tough to share such shitty-looking drawings but I want to be honest about the process!