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I'm juggling a lot of different tasks right now, but the main one for the past few days has been painting backgrounds for the Nightclub episode. Here's a selection of the ones I've done so far, I've completed 16 out of 46 right now and just trying to haul ass and get through them all! Luckily a good chunk of them will be very simple, like basically colour cards and inserts. I'm trying to approach all the BGs for each area at once, like all the bathroom ones, hospital ones, lounge, club exteriors etc.

At the end you can see a couple of fake posters I made for the club exterior. I always have fun making fake posters, meaningless background filler is a fun excuse to get extra-stupid. The first one features my friend Dante who just had a baby, hence "Papa Dante." (he's recorded a voice for a later episode as well!) The club exterior night-time vertical pan illustrates how they'll actually be incorporated into the background in a stylized way, as I often have in the past like at Sublo and Tito's apartment or Katy's place.

Still got a bit of animation colouring to do, although it's mostly done. Still on track for a release sometime in April, although probably closer to the end of the month. Phew!




the neon blue and pink feels like mindgame to me! very excited for this :-)

Aaron Long

oh yeah Mind Game is definitely a huge influence. all of Yuasa's early directorial work really!


you make the city dirty in the best way