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Wow, it's awesome to see a bunch of new patrons today, thank you so much! I see some familiar names in there! The support really means a lot to me.

A little recap of where things stand at the moment: I wrote and recorded the voices for these episodes in 2021. My day job has kept me really busy since the last episode of season 2 came out, which was over two years ago at this point, agh... but I'm trying to scale back my day jobs a bit and carve out stretches of time to focus on Sublo and Tangy Mustard. Your support on here seriously makes a big tangible difference, and should result in more episodes and more bonus stuff, all coming out faster.

I'm currently cycling between finishing up animation on the first two new episodes, drawing backgrounds for the third one and storyboarding later ones (and working on a short-term freelance gig as my day job).


Hazel Alva

Heehee "tangYble difference". Happy to support this project Aaron! 💜