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I'm just about finished the main animation for the first new episode of Sublo and Tangy Mustard. It's a short one, just a quick vignette to ease us back into the world of the series before we catch up on the main ongoing story threads in episode 2. That one is much longer, and I'm about halfway through animation on it. I still gotta catch up on colouring and lipsync, which I'm planning to do over the next week and a half while I'm visiting home in Toronto.  So you'll probably see this first little episode towards the end of the month, and the next one not long after. Once again thank you for your patience and support, I think this new season is going to be worth the wait!



Agnes Salek

Oh man! Not sure when was the last time you visited Toronto! But the place has changed!

Aaron Long

I was there in August last year, but yeah it's been getting unpleasantly fancy and all the condos are killing everything! there's still a lot of cool stuff but at this point Sublo and Tangy Mustard is pretty much set in a fantasy past-version of the city, maybe around 2010 or something... although even then things were changing!