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Figured I should give another little update since things have been quiet here lately. I'm in the middle of writing Sublo and Tangy Mustard season 3! So far I have first drafts completed for about half the episodes. It'll be another big season with a mix of long and short episodes as usual, and probably a few non-Sublo shorts mixed in to experiment with other concepts, characters or visual styles.

Usually we record a whole season's worth of episodes at the same time, in a proper studio, but I'm thinking this time maybe we'll record a handful remotely once the scripts are ready, and hopefully the other half in-person once it's feasible. I'd really rather wait to record them all in-person, but that would delay things further. Most of the cast don't have pro-level recording setups at home and I don't want to compromise the quality. I also worry about the acting being hurt by recording remotely in people's homes, as opposed to in a studio where you can be as big and loud as you want without disturbing roommates and neighbours. I saw a clip from a Bob's Burgers episode recorded remotely recently and I was surprised at how obvious it was that Kristen Schaal's stuff was recorded at home with a lower-quality setup.

At some point soon, once I start actual production, I'm going to switch this Patreon to monthly. I'll announce it when I do, and you're welcome to adjust your pledges accordingly. Right now I only get money per finished cartoon, which means I haven't collected any in the past year since I've been busy focusing on my day job. I think monthly will make more sense when I'll be consistently working on this indie stuff and releasing short pieces regularly.



Charles Brubaker

Looking forward to it! You say you write in batches. Wondering if you can explain your writing process? (Or maybe you already did and I missed it. Either way, inquiring mind wants to know!)


remote quality recording can be sucky, but im more concerned with actor direction, I definitely suggest being on webcam during so you guys have face to face reactions and communications about jokes and lines