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Here are some frames from new Sublo and Tangy Mustard storyboards! No attempt at pretty drawings obviously, just purely functional "character goes here and does this" scribbles. Working on my own there's no reason to make 'presentation' boards, I'm not pitching shit to anyone!

I think I mentioned before that this episode is about the Subpar team catering at a corporate office in the suburbs (Markham to be exact). Not sure if you can even make them out from these boards, but there are a couple of returning side characters in this episode - SubparGeekGirl96 and Night Shift Charlie.

Almost done with this board and then I can move forward with production! It's been tough cause I'm directing boards in my day job too, which is pretty intense at the moment. I find it easier to keep momentum up on Sublo when it's in a different stage of production than what I'm doing at work, but doing boards all day and then boarding more is a bit of a slog! Especially when it's all just working at the same desk rather than having the separation of going into an office. Anyway not to complain, just an explanation for why it's going slow!



Taylor Abrahamse

What inspired the plot for this one? Are they all somewhat based on true events?


AAAAGH IM SO EXCITED!!! Also very pleased to see Subpargeekgirl96 comin back! I thought she was just a one-off character!! Also the whole catering idea for this episode seems so fun and make hella sense since subway does catering shit too n stuff AUUUUUGH IM SO EXCITED ABT THIS THAT I BOUGH A SUB FROM SUBWAY TODAY I AM IN THAT SUBLO AND TANGY MUSTARD MOOOOOOD YAY :D

Aaron Long

She was gonna be a one-off, then I had an idea. I love that you bought a sub in anticipation of the episode hahaha!

Aaron Long

Hmm yeah they all have real experiences sprinkled in, but there's no single event that inspired this one. I guess while writing it I was thinking about the misery of working in an office and the tiny breaks from routine that seem novel in that context, blind devotion to corporate branding, the economy collapsing, the constant mergers happening these days, maybe a little bit of ageism... I guess in general it's kind of about capitalism and how everybody loses, in different ways. But it just started from the idea of "Subpar could do catering." There's no real message, just screaming (and laughing) into the void!