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First off, happy Turkey day to those in the US! Hopefully you're actually out enjoying time with family.

As for me, this month has been very um... rough... with job hunting taking a huge priority over all else.

Lot of sleepless nights...

However, I have managed to complete one commission this month and have started into storyboarding the Madlib comic. It's looking like a 4 pager, which is great. In December, this is my priority project for patrons and I'm working diligently as I can.

It won't be even close to done as promised by end of month, but I'm holding off on posting updates until the veeery end of November, with hopes of getting at least one of the panels sketched out and partly lined.

In the meantime, just getting my sketch dumps ready to upload... hope you all have a good day otherwise! :)


Tipo Roo

Be safe & I wish for you to get a great job soon! You're an awesome dude!