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It's really convenient how well Patreon cropped the results and it's going to drive someone up the wall that they can't click on this screenshot...

Yes! Part 6 of "The Bad End" is officially complete! I've alluded a couple times that I'm a bit shy with the content of this specific page (Lower POV of anthros having a really good time), so I've decided to make all parts available on Google Drive while we await Part 7 for completion.

The link to all "The Bad End" official parts.

And yes, the poll was a landslide. I had a suspicion that there would be a fan favorite, but I had no idea it would be so overwhelming. It's clear there's only one way this bad end can meet her fate.

Stay tuned for streams and other WIP updates over time. I'm really going to be gunning for at least a few sketches and the completed image by end of August.

Thanks everyone for playing and contributing ideas over the year. This sequence is a mad ride!

The link to all "The Bad End" official parts again.



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