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Hey folks,

This is not a badly timed April Fools joke. I'm actually gonna pause charges.

April is going to be crazy. I know this ahead of time: US Tax season, big work event mid-month, and other life dramas for Easter (uh huh... I forgot it was this weekend too).

It will affect my throughput and will definitely impact my art stream consistency this month. Rather than try a more Herculean effort to play catch up at the end, I'm just going to take it easy. I still love you all and thank you for being wonderful people (patrons especially!)

Artwork and sketches that I complete will still show for patrons at the end of April, but it may be lackluster. I'm happy to not charge for it this time 'round. Idea collection forms will still go out and any completed posts will go out at the end of the month, as normal.

I'm not good at timing Patreon's expense charges, so I usually sync pauses with the later month (because I'm dumb and bad at website).

So... to be clear, you'll get a charge April 1st for the work done this March, and THEN I'll pause, and THEN you won't get a charge in May. I think this is how this works...

If I mess that up somehow, please let me know. I'll try to make up for it.

Thanks for understanding.



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