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Hey everyone! Just a quick update before we enter October! Hope everyone's having a great night!

More Videos

Like I said previously, Platinum Visuals will be upgrading to 5 videos per month! As we grow, more videos will be implemented monthly along with better quality going forth. Alongside this more models will be featured to bring variety and to spice things up a bit. Will be looking to increase this to 6 by the end of the year or towards the beginning but we'll just have to see. Regardless, I think improving quality wise wont be such a bad thing, entertainment should be our top priority at the end of the day.

Upcoming Scenes

Many loved the 'Office Wedgie' clip we published and I thought why not bring cheerleaders into the mix! The Prelude to this amazing clip drops soon but no need to be rash.  For a sneak peak at the costumes you can follow my twitter (@PlatinumVisualz) or the models twitter in the 'About' section above. We have plenty clips to go through and I think you'll be surprised by the next topic.

A Surprise Feature

Throughout Phoenix and Mia's upcoming wedgie clips, featured throughout we have two new models that'll be introduced to the platform. I've managed to slip in a small shoot so the amount of clips will be a bit miniscule compared to Mia and Phoenix's. Are you excited yet?

Hope everyone have a blessed night.


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