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The day had came when Tate went on his first job orientation. He was quite nervous, shy and also outspoken. It was kind of like he wasn't there only that he was. Although he was out of the mix, everyone knew him and made sure he was involved with everything they did. To ensure this they made him team captain.

 With his occasional jokes chattered at his designated table, Tate was offered a spot to join them for lunch. He turned it down given that there was a stunning new recruit sitting alone in the cafeteria. It came without hesitation that Tate should introduce himself, so he did.

 "How are you doing love?" Tate asked, being as gentle as he could've. The lady blushed and told him to have a seat as they had lunch together. Delighted to have the opportunity to have lunch with a fine lady like herself, Tate used up his entire 1hr break to get to know her.

It was smooth sailing until one of Tate's arch nemisist came. He didnt know her at the time but she knew him. Her name was Wendy and boy did she despise Tate. She was twice Tate's age and was much more wiser than Tate. It was just something about Tate's demeanor what threw her off alongside previous altercations. 

Wendy made her way towards Tate's table with a half eaten plate along with a cup of her favorite beverage. She balanced it on a tray just like everyone else and made her way over to where Tate was seated. Ironically the disposal was a few steps pass Tate but all this worked in her favor.

Just as Tate was pulling out her chair to stand Wendy was right behind him. She lost balance of her tray trying not to collide with Tate. Wendy left everyone at shock in the cafeteria as Tate shivered in her ice cold beverage and messy food. "I'm so sorry honey!" Wendy said sarcastically. "Its alright." Tate replied. He could've heard his colleagues ready to burst out in laughter just as she was about to leave. She tried helping him but Tate just left with a mean mug. 

Dusting off his vibrant dress shirt Tate decided a little payback is in order. He knew she wasn't up to no good the first time he'd seen her. Now he knew she's against him, but this was business and only business. Luckily Tate had a jacket just incase his shirt got ruined or if the weather change.

 He entered the class and everyone was quiet. No eye contact was made and no one even looked up. He took his seat and secretly monitored Wendy's every move to see what she would do to get him back in his situation. The idea only came to him after Wendy made her speech and was making her way back to her seat. The chair was a open back and everyone in Tate's group could've seen her polka dot panties lifted above her dress pants. Her coat was worn by her fellow colleague who felt that inside was a little too chilly to say the least. 

Tate, didnt want to point it out but he did. He even took a picture and save it on his phone to embarrass her later if he got the chance. "Mr Tate." The instructor shouted at the top of the class asking to present his speech. Walking up to the stage he thought he would give Wendy the heads up and tell her. "What a nice colleague" someone would say. But not in this case. 

Thanking him with a rub on his shoulder Wendy was no uncomfortable with this information. She didn't want to get up and cause a scene nor keep it visible. She tried her best to pull up her pants but failed miserably. Wendy only ended up giving herself many self inflicted wedgies. Tate loved every moment of Wendy's scrambling as he presented his speech wonderfully. He had something to prove and he did exactly that.

 After every group leader made their speech the judges gave everyone a 5 minute break to discuss their answers. Assuming that 5 minutes was enough time to pitch to the bathroom, almost the whole class went. This was the perfect time to give Wendy something she deserved.

 Not noticing that Wendy had quite a visible pantyline (pants was very tight) Tate knew that she was wearing granny panties. Which screamed out "Embarrassing". "Hey Wendy!" Tate shouted, extracting her from the crowd. Tate didn't want to get fired on his first day on the job (Technically). Since a wedgie is more of an harrassment rather than an accident Tate wanted to build a bond with Wendy and so did she. "Hey Tate, I'm so sorry and what happened today at lunch." Wendy replied. "Don't worry about it, I just wanted to say great speech!" Tate said sarcastically, knowing that his was better. 

Feeling so warm and thankful Wendy went in for a hug. Snuggling up under Tate his crush walked pass and shunned her face. Convinced that Wendy had struck again Tate had enough. His arms were wrapped around Wendy and his fingers were basically dangling above her pink waistband. Tate clinched the top of her waistband with the palm of his hands and swung Wendy around ever so slightly. She was dangling by her panties as everyone made their way back. "Granny Panties" A girl chuckled, initiating a repeated comment towards her underwear choice.

 Although they were the most comfortable alot of people dislike full coverage panties. Wendy being in her mid 30's have had alot of experience with underwear. She looked super young, have a banging body and have a great sense of humor. Except towards Tate for some reason.

 "Time is up!" The instructor shouted. Tate watched as Wendy struggled to get loose. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and rested her down just as he went to the room. She followed behind baffled at the kiss alongside the aggravating wedgie. She wasn't quite fond of wedgies when they were introduced at her school. Luckily she have a darling 19 year old like Tate to reassure her of such things. 

Wendy unzipped her pants and fixed her undies as Tate stayed and watched. He couldn't leave a female all alone now could he. With him turning away, Wendy pulled down his pants to reveal his white Calvin Klein briefs. Shameless to say Wendy caught a joke from all of this embarrassment and made her way to the room. Tate staggered behind with his stubborn pants trying to get it pulled up . Being the second to last person Wendy was obliged to any penalties that was given to the team. This was a team based orientation and so far Wendy was out-smarting Tate at everything. 

Concluding the lecture, the instructor presented Tate's team with a huge marginal separation given that his speech was magnificent. The rest of the teams were stumped but felt bad for Tate given the accident in the cafeteria. 

Then came the physical activities. "A little additional points never hurted anyone" The whole class said one after another. By high demand it was settled. A few exercises and the scores would be tallied. The implementation of games such as this keeps everyone involved and knowledgeable about the company they were about to go into. Although not physically, this was just asked by many employees. 

All the group leaders gathered at one table and selected a person to do the exercises chosen. Of course Wendy had to sit next to Tate only to tamper with him. When the time was right she whispered into his ears everything she wanted him to do or else. She would basically spread rumors to her and end their little lovey dovey relationship. Wendy looked over to her teammate Julia (crush) and traded kisses as Tate watched. Blowing a little exercise for his reputation was something almost everyone would do so he didn't hesitate. He mixed and matched everyone and made his team lose. Wendy's team wasn't no better given that they were mostly girls or weak men (lazy or out of shape). 

"And let this be a reminder, another wedgie like before and I will have you screaming for mercy." Wendy whispered. Tate chuckled at the sound of defeat even though his team loss the exercise round. His team still came out on top despite all the close battles. Wendy was devastated and sat in her chair secretly depressed. At the end of the day everyone was interested with the information given and no one left empty handed.

Julia called Tate over to the lady's restroom right after class. She gave him a devious smile as she led him into the bathroom to have a so called "intimate conversation". Standing in the bathroom Wendy came out of the stall. Tate knew this oddly too well to say the least. Foiling their plans he kept close to the door knob but still wanted to see what fun he may have with them. 

"Did I say Intimate Conversation? I meant..." Julia said. "Ssshhhh" Wendy interrupted. Tate was loving it plus he knew he could've over powered both of them. Giving in to the temptation Tate took a leap of faith and stepped closer. "This is for laughing at me during the interview." Wendy admitted. Curious as to what Wendy was talking about he was kicked in the groin by Wendy and fell on the floor. "We should give him a wedgie don't you think?" Julia replied. "Of course!" Wendy proclaimed.

"Wedgie!" The two girls screamed as they tugged Tate across the floor by his pricey underwear. Accidentally ripping them, Wendy stuffed it in his mouth and danced away as Julia giggled behind her.


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