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About 2 weeks ago i had a few problems with my (7 year old) PC which had behaved flawlessly up to then. To cut a long story short i had to buy a new one.

In the process of trying to save all of my stuff...i failed!

Now i don't know if you know this but i have been using outdated models and software to do my renders for way too many years and was fearful of upgrading as i had spent more than a decade collecting assets and creating models but as i mentioned up above i have ended up losing nearly everything.

Now to the hopefully good news! I have quite a few fights finished, some just started (which i shall probably end up posting). So that should give me some breathing space.

I have already began updating my software and have already created some new updated fighters which look very, very different but it is a slow process at the moment.

Hopefully in the long run my renders will vastly improve in quality but it is a very steep learning curve. And also a slow process of rendering as everything is different now.

Some fighters will be lost (Some that were only just created!) But there will be loads of new ones to replace them.

So to put it in a nutshell the next few months the fights i created on the old system will be posted and by then i will hopefully have come to grips with the new program and start posting HD fights (See Image Above!)

Thanks so much for your support!

I will keep you posted😍



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