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I've been wanting to do one of these Visual Novels for ages so decided this weekend to stay up all night to try and start to put one together for all my loyal patreons.

This is going to be an ongoing story based around what goes on at Gunner Steve's Gym, Office, Press Interviews and so on.

I'm hoping that you are all into it and am open to any story-lines you would like to see.

My idea is that the main fights that i post will be arranged in this story so there will be a background to each fight.

I will update this novel anytime i have another 20 or so images for you to download.

It is a lot of work but i think will turn out awesome if i keep working at it.

Let me know in the comments what you think and whether you noticed any problems ;)

Anyway enough of my rabbiting you can download below, just extract the zip file to your computer and hit the GS3D application and then just click thru the story (only a few images at the moment as i have run out of time till next weekend)



PC https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hBswwFc6BtAqRV7sZPohTpT3Zkihmhnd/view?usp=sharing

MAC https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IDrpNkvWjfNUNE4ykABGuUER_2y7Ef_q/view?usp=sharing




Just downloaded it. Loving where this is going so far!