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Sorry for the wait on the MLP strawpoll but I have been experimenting with different clothes idea's along with other things for future mlp works the past few days. And getting together a few more ponies ready that I have not used yet for future works.

And sorry for not having any of the mane 6 in the strawpoll but I wanted to get a chance to do some stuff with other ponies this time. Some will be back in the next MLP voting tho :).

Oh and I am rendering some redone angles for the intro of the AJ x Cherry animation with some very slight changes to the scenery. Should have those up tonight along with download links as well. Just the insertion part tho not the cumshot part yet.




Moon Dancer never gets enough love. Bummer.


Nah, duo is leagues above the others. It shouldn't have been included in the pool, imo it should have been put in another pool against other duos. Even then, considering it's the Sun and Moon princesses they'd have eclipsed (hehe) the opposition anyway. Tbh I say the Mane 6 and the princesses should only compete against eachother, they are the major caracters after all so they have lots of fans...


Welp, Luna won. :>


sounds amazing Jr!! getting to use some clothes for the animations in the future? aweesome! caant wait X3 your the best!


I'm writing in my vote: AJ! And is that a strapon? Just say no to strapons: real futanari for all! :-D