MLP 4K Test Render (Patreon)
Zecora x Egyptian Luna and Celestia
So I think I did it right, I dunno. Just a quick rest for future pin-up sets and bonus pics. So the next patron voted longer mlp animation is going to be Zecora x Pinkie Pie, barely edging out Starlight Glimmer x Trixie. BUT I think going to finish the Goth Celestia x Twilight animation first, then Casual Luna x Fluttergoth and then start that next. Will only post wip/previews of those until they are done. Gonna try my best to change this year and just focus on 1 or 2 animations until they are done. Sorry once again for not finishing so much of my stuff that I show. Will try not not show wip stuff unless i know I am or want to finish it.
I also need to balance the MLP and Human animations more better so maybe alternate between the two. So like next will be non mlp and then Goth Celestia x Twilight.
And lastly be safe out there. 2020 ain't that year.