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A quick solo loop of normal 21 for those who prefer her this. Almost done with the facefuck part of the animation of the month, Mei x Miss Pauling. Will post an update to that tomorrow after I add sounds today. Would have had it done sooner but I was messing around with blender and other random ideas. Wanna try to do at least one animation this year with blender somehow lol.

Oh and a Majin 21(good) solo animation is almost done as well . Should have that up next week.

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This version of her banging the fuck out of 18..


I love that it's nice and slow.


Not bad. But was hoping for some MLP animations.


Please say an animation of her and 18 is coming soon


If you can manage an 18 model of some sort, you should have 18 getting rammed by 21. :#3

Red Kawa

god I love your art.

Mark Caswell

Could we have some more MLP please. It's been a while.


Its been over year since we had a longer MLP animation. I remember back in the day Black would have 4+ longer MLP animations a year. Short loops in general would take no more than a few days to complete. Now after about two weeks we get one or two short loops. The current long MLP project Black is working on being the CMC project poster was teased almost three months ago and we only had a few WIP. In the past a longer project would take Black about a month max from start to finish. Recently Black has said he really wants to focus on backlogged projects. Yet he still has been having those "random ideas". I honestly dont know whats going on with Black but many of us are concerned. Furthermore he does not even communicate directly in the comments anymore which he used to do frequently. Black, please finish these important projects. I know you have random ideas whenever a new model, video game, or anime comes out, but I am sure I can speak for alot of us, get back to these very important projects, its been so long since we had one completed especially MLP ones. We love your work and continue to support you, but alot of us are abit concerned with all of these delayed projects with many going back a year or more.


I do hope that he get those MLP animation done. Cant rememeber when he did do a longer animation.

Red Kawa

The random stuff black comes up with is so good I dont really care what he does as long as they keep coming.


How long until the next MLP animation Is up? We gotta Know Black. Feels like a long time since you last posted one.