Short Loop of the Month-Rainbow Dash x Daring Do (Patreon)
The Dash getting up animation is pretty rough and was not men't to be on cam at all. But I figured more angles would be nice and just went ahead and tried to make it look a little better than what is was at first.
Anyways I hope you guys still enjoy it and the instead of having another MLP voting for this month I am just going to try and finish up long overdue projects. I also have another short MLP loop in almost done. Its got 6 ponies total in it so its gonna take a bit more time. Although all that is left is face expressions/lip sync along with a few more things for two of the ponies and then it is done. So look forward to that soon.
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All Angles 60FPS
1. D Box G Drive 2. D Box G Drive 3. D Box G Drive 4. D Box G Drive
5. D Box G Drive 6. D Box G Drive 7. D Box G Drive
Female Dash Version
1. D Box G Drive 2. D Box G Drive 3. D Box G Drive 4. D Box G Drive