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we are gonna go thru  a 5 year time skip in the campaign shes in so i decided to make a time skip look for her, she started as this kinda reserved rich girl but the more she leveled, the more she became crass, on your face so i wanted her new look to reflect that a bit more, since Caelynn was concieved as an edgier character in her fist draft she had very colorful clothes and a kind smile

but since i changed her backstory to something less of a downer for the campaign i ended up joining her smile was more of a "im freaking great" and instead of being subject to prejudice due to looking like a drow, she was a part of a family who was subject to a lil bit of it bcus they where filthy rich but not an actual royal family, and to reach this wealth this family had a big BIG casino that racks in tons of cash daily

Essentially imagine if a kid grew up inside of a disney park for their forming years, but instead of disneyland it was a casino the *size* of disney world, thats the way i changed her alienation from others, she loves gambling with all her heart and that landed her on her paladin to be job, serving the goddess of chance, the goddess that  rolls the chances of the entire planet (she is a homebrew goddess  that i made that you can find here :3c https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NCXDnO3mjazn71MNWW3DCdLMVVwGKdmlcZs0vBCvCqg/edit  )

getting back to the point, she became more aggressive, more outspoken and less and less a "noble lady" she is currently in a journey thru the world to find her self her purpose and what she wants to be and she has been on it for around 50 years, but the time she has had with the campaign's party has been more fruitful than most of those years into shaping herself to be the best caelynn she can be, thats why i decided to hide her face less with her hair, and gave her a more confident/cocky smile to match her new found resolve

aswell as scars cus they cool



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