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hello everybody, just a quick heads up about the adoptables this month they are gonna come a bit later in the month, around the 20th ish probably, i just really need to finish this comission batch before i go home for the holidays bcus otherwise ill lose my mind

also, im here to ask you what would you like to see as a possible replacement for adoptables for the goal reward? dont get me wrong, i like doing a doptables but i dont know if i like doing adoptables every month yknow, so, if theres anything you would like to see replace it or maybe join it so i could interchange the two on and off lemme know!

one of the ideas ive had is maybe making  a discord to do raffles there?
maybe up the pinup count to 1 a week instead of 2 a month to replace the adoptables?

i dunno im just kinda lost on what to do haha, so if you can point me to something you like that another patreon is doing for example or have something you would like to see from me i would really appreciate it! 

hope you are having a great day!



I like the idea of a discord raffle as well


I'm also into the idea of having a discord!