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hello again everybody!

justl ike last post, you may remember i was thinking on adding some new rewards to the 10 tier bcus as it standed i think it wasnt enough of a pull, so ive decided to go ahead with the pinup alt drawing of the armored lady monday of the week, so, every week, not neceseraly on monday you will be seeing the regular post, plus a pinup like the one above if you are in the  $10 dollar tier or up, and a nsfw version, which you can see in the attatched files (in this case, but wont in the future) for the $25 that one im still not sure tho but ill make a poll about it even tho i have a sneaking suspicion that more content will win over less content but still

As you can see the nsfw version doesnt neceseraly mean it will contain nudity, i was wrestling with this idea since i sometimes draw my own characters and are like, sometimes iffy about drawing them naked, so thats why i decided to use lingerie instead, some will cointain nudity, but not all of them is essentially the conclusion i reached

and you may be thinking WELL FSNOW how come its such a big leap from regular to the pin up? well to that i answer that originally armored lady monday was included in the $5 but since its kinda my wheelhouse i decided to move it over to the $1 tier bcus i assume and pressume its why most ppl join n didnt wanted to gate like 60% of what i post here off to the $1 tier, that being said the pinups are completely different drawings so thats why im moving them to an upper tier




please lemme know your thoughts if you have any <3


Strongly approve, especially with this as a sample. The lingerie pick is perfect, and I'd say that picking nude vs. lingerie as pose or character demands is a perfectly fair.