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My OC Sophia! showing off her paladin powers

now i dunno if theres a "keep reading" option here as in tumblr, but if there is i didnt find it, so you will be subject to some tldr material from the next paragraph and on


Paladins can make all sorts of weapons/armor with light magic, they are arguably the sharpest weapons and sturdiest armor but they only last as long as they are concentrating about them, they can move them around 2-4 meters away from their head

All Paladins are part of the army, but not all of the army is composed of paladins if you become a paladin in the army your family is pretty much set, they recieve the best armor and the best magic protection clothing.

Paladin’s magic skill is valued in some core aspects, number of items you can control at a time, size and design of a weapon is not measured since those have no bearing on the concentration to keep them there (the record is 12, Sophia’s best is 8), distance that you can get them off of you (record is 5.6 meters, Sophia holds this record), reaction time of an item being summoned which is measured with a 20cm radius shield as a standar meassure (the record is 0.3 seconds, Sophia’s best is 0.5seconds)

Paladins dont use conventional helmets, the first thing they are tought in â€œpaladin school” is their helmet, since its the most important tool of a paladin, a concussion, dizzyness and headaches will diminish their power, most paladins abstain from alcohol aswell  since not being able to control body functions and unable to think clearly has lead to some horrific accidents in the kingdom’s  businesses



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