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So... lately things have been real sh*t. I've just been through the loss of a loved one and it hit me pretty hard. I didn't want to say anything but I guess it can be sensed by how I write and stuff, so ..yeah.

After days of really bad depression, I picked up this older project again.

Thankfully, creativity and making things has this power to make you forget to focus on the pain. If you ever suffered for some reason and can't let go of it, I do encourage you to pick up a craft or art or something, and focus on that instead. It won't help you forget, but it will help you live through the day.

In this project... the idea started as a game (while I was deep into the whole game-making rabbit hole) and it just remained an idea or little more. The story is about horror, investigation, sexy themes (obviously) and, even more obvious if you're still on this page, shrinking and size kinks.


"Guy" (temporary name, I suck at choosing names) hires Amber, the school's streamer who hopes to make it big on the socials and earn increasingly bigger $$$.

She's quite friendly, has that kind of 'bookworm' vibe which makes guys (and guy) wanna get closer to her (along with a pair of badonkadons that can't keep her shirts closed.

They've known each other for a while so he feels like this could be the right move to 'make his move', which may lead to more than a nerd friendship. He still has to pay her for the job though, but he knows how to make money cuz he knows what the people on the other side of the camera *really* want to see.

Long story short, he convinces her to come to a lurky swamp and help him 'investigate' a location well known to all proper paranormal nutcases and horror lovers.

The cabin in the swamp is rumoured to be haunted by ghosts, the home of a witch, and even a secret government facility where a mad scientist left a collection of forbidden technological wonders.

Amber isn't too happy to be wearing skimpy clothes in a place where apparently only mosquitos and frogs live, but she's intrigued and knows this job could be the hit she need to make it big as a streamer.

Guy is supplying all the equipment anyway, as he has a passion for filming, and if there's easy money to be made on the side, it only helps to make her more cooperative.

With their reciprocal benefit in mind, they get on the wrecked looking boat at the edge of town and approach the mysterious location.


I hope you like that intro.

I just finished fixing the lighting for the first scene (hopefully) and I'm about to start rendering.

In this game though, as it'll force the player to investigate a bit and find clues (sometimes hidden in a sexy picture or something) I wanted things to be not too easy and predictable.
For this reason I just went insane trying to figure out.... "this"...

init 800 python:     class MouseParallax(renpy.Displayable):         def __init__(self,layer_info):             super(renpy.Displayable,self).__init__()             self.xoffset,self.yoffset=0.0,0.0             self.sort_layer=sorted(layer_info,reverse=True)             cflayer=[]             masteryet=False             for m,n in self.sort_layer:                 if(not masteryet)and(m<41):                     cflayer.append("master")                     masteryet=True                 cflayer.append(n)             if not masteryet:                 cflayer.append("master")             cflayer.extend(["transient","screens","overlay"])             config.layers=cflayer             config.overlay_functions.append(self.overlay)             return         def render(self,width,height,st,at):             return renpy.Render(width,height)         def parallax(self,m):             func = renpy.curry(trans)(disp=self, m=m)             return Transform(function=func)         def overlay(self):             ui.add(self)             for m,n in self.sort_layer:                 renpy.layer_at_list([self.parallax(m)],n)             return         def event(self,ev,x,y,st):             import pygame             if ev.type==pygame.MOUSEMOTION:                 self.xoffset,self.yoffset=((float)(x)/(config.screen_width))-0.5,((float)(y)/(config.screen_height))-0.5             return     MouseParallax([(10,"farback"),(05,"back"),(-20,"front"),(-0,"inyourface"),(-1,"inyoureye")])                  def trans(d, st, at, disp=None, m=None):         d.xoffset, d.yoffset = int(round(m*disp.xoffset)), int(round(m*disp.yoffset))         return 0


This "coded nonsense" is what will give the player the means to hover with the mouse around the screen WHILE the screen moves to reveal new areas and details. (Took me a while, but I managed to make it work... not easy though.)

What this means is that you'll have an image in front of you and it will be way too big for your monitor to display. It'll be from 6 to 9+ times bigger than your screen, so you'll need to move the mouse around in order to see everything, uncover clues, stare up skirts, find hidden tinies or bugs, etc.

This is going to be a new "mini game" I'm developing while you enjoy the story and the sexy parts.... actually....

I think I might just try to make a couple 'samples' of this so that you can see what I'm up to. I'll definitely make one in the next few days so I can get a better grip on it and learn how to maximize this new feature.

If you have any ideas that might work with this (hopefully I explained what this is gonna be like fairly decently), do let me know and I'll see how I can use them.



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