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Just a little something I felt like saying before people start believing I don't care about this page or anything.

Over the last few weeks especially, my family has literally been under attack by a crazy neighbor, and I've had to call the police on multiple occasions. This has been going on for years but it got worse recently.

As in the movies, the police arrives only when everything's over, and they won't do anything to solve the problem. This has caused quite a severe trauma on me and I've been losing a lot of sleep over this. Hence why I can't seem to keep myself stuck to one project for too long before my creativity kicks in and takes me somewhere else, mostly as a coping mechanism.

Sorry if my art sometimes feels 'stuck' and projects I'm passionate about get postponed indefinitely. I'm going to pick them up eventually and continue them with the same passion I had when I started them, I just need time to collect myself (right now especially as something more significant occurred) and find my peace so I can work as happily as I always have.

Thank you for your understanding and your support. In times like these, it's really precious.



Take all the time you need, health comes first.