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Have you ever played/read interactive books/game books?

They're basically kind of like...

You're in a forest..

        Go north..
               There's a small house with smoke coming out of the cimney.. (etc)

       Go West..
               There's a path that leads deeper in the forest.. (etc)

....stuff like that.

This kind of thing was pretty famous in the 90s (I guess) when people used simple engines and simple coding to give birth to LOOOONG readable fantasy and horror adventures.

I never liked the whole N S W E map system, but I like the games where you're given a "choose A or choose B" option and you can proceed with what you like more.

This has been done time and time again with shrinking/giantess stories (mostly shrinking where you're a single guy in X location and shrink for some reason and have to survive/perv on the normal sized girls), and I sometime tried it myself, and then I tried MORE, with pictures in a game.

Anyone here ever heard of my game attempt "Summer Story"?

I'm gonna re-polish it and post it in the coming.. week, I guess (cuz it may be another while before I have a read version for the current game I'm working on).

It's the story of a single guy who (in the current version) finds a ninja scroll online and manages to 1) shrink at will 2) control the mind of someone 3) jump enormous distances with levitation.

I think I'm at 3/4 deaths so far, but the game stopped when I started working on it as a game and just making videos from it.
It was a pity cuz I liked how it was going, but I also didn't have ALL the coding knowledge I have now and wasn't so organized, so I postponed it indefinitely... but I didn't forget about it.

That's one of the things I wanted to mention in this post.

The other is another idea that would DEFINITELY take me far less time.

Long story short, it would be a readable game without images, like an actual book, but where YOU get to imagine the characters you want, the place you want (like your room), and every detail from your own life into the story.

The obvious advantages of this kind of story game would be:

-far less time in production (just the writing and the coding)

-you imagine what you want

-for those who love reading this is probably the best adventure

-CHEAP AF (compared to some of the commission writers I have known, so I'm basically throwing away the game, even if you pay $20)

-ongoing project! (means I'll keep working on it with more time as it's easier for me to do so)

-new releases come much more often (not having to render images, this allows me to work on it WAY faster than in a visual novel)

The obvious disadvantage...

-no images (means you have to imagine/visualize the whole thing... which is actually a plus when you think about it! :P )

And THAT'S the only downside

Let me know what you think about this idea.

I'm still going to continue all my current projects, but as you know this takes me more and more time for rendering and solving visual glitches (like preparing sprites in a game, animating them during storyline, etc).

PS. (cuz this is kinda unavoidable)

I may very well end up finding a balance between making a useless sh*t ton of renders and making no images at all, and I might just learn how to make a good game with either great story and great graphics, wallpapers, point-and-click playability, etc. Who knows, really.

I'm learning something new on an almost daily basis now, so even I don't know what I'll be able to do in a while. :)



Hades VFX

Cant wait to kiss their heels