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I'm still testing the MANY props, models and locations I recently bought. I'm likely never going to even test them all at this rate cuz there's just so many and whenever I start something I feel like making yet another new story lol.. so I'm trying to hold back.

This is just a sample of a location and model I just got, I'm building new ones that I can use in the following works without going insane every time I have to start from scratch..

As for what I'll work next...

I've been experimenting with some writing as well, it's an old passion of mine but I always assumed people prefer images and comics to narrated stories.

I was so wrong.

I'm going to write a few using old projects I never continued and adding images to them for enhanced storytelling.


"Mr Baxter": I'm thinking I've got everything sorted to get Mr Baxter out of his lab and into some girl's cleavage. ;)

"The Janitor": a lazy guy who mops floors in a prestigious facility ends up the size of a cockroach when cleaning the lab. The female scientist come back from their lunch break and find him. Hint: not all of them are nice.

"Futanari's pet": this was a dying project I decided to start working on again in a 'light' way, without going insane with renders and glitches. I know you'll love the story:
a guy ends up shrunk by a stray laser outside a lab. He's found by a futanari woman who promptly puts him in her bag and takes him home. She initially seems nice but soon reveals she keeps him alive with the only purpose to serve her. He'll be stuck in a unique glass prison in her room.

I'll probably work on each of them at a pace, see which ones become more popular and continue those rather than the ones losing points.


I'm thinking I might make these in video format: what this means is that I'll present in a video either the renders for you to gawk at and panels with the written story that you can pause and read at your leisure. This is because I am still paying for a Vimeo membership which (luckily) forbids pirates to share my videos as links to outside sources of stolen content. It literally changes nothing for you in terms of product, maybe it's even easier to enjoy it. Nothing fancy, I won't even add music to it cuz when you pause it you can't hear sound anyway.

Well, that's a LOT of work already... I hope I can release something very soon, starting wiiiith.... mmm... let's keep it a surprise! :P

Alright, back to work!



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