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Alright.. I guess it's been long enough and this idea won't leave my head no matter what I try.

I've seen a *very* clear interest from more people than usual in this "man becomes tiny object" (pencil, rubber, eraser, pillow, shoe insole, *cough*d1ld0*cough*, panties, cand,y floor tile, pebble, etc). I received so many requests for specific objects I wouldn't even know where to start.


I decided to take on that challenge.

What this means for the game?

This means that the primary power/curse/ability of the main character (you, officer "player_name" lol) will be the ability to instantly transform into an object (and be used and abused by totally unaware women).

This, in the long run, allows me for a NUMBER of new options. If I were to really feel masochistic I would go as far as to let you unlock new objects you can change yourself to, but I'm afraid my coding skills are still growing and I often end up in a coding ditch, and have to spend a day or two thinking about how to destroy the obstacle or, as is probably more often the case, find a way to walk around it.

Yesterday was an example of this, as I didn't know how to "remove an imagebutton" (one of the clickable images) so that an area would change, and the solution I found in the end is probably the least desirable, but that's the price to pay when you learn everything by yourself, without courses and such. It's the long, scenic route, but it still gets the job done.

I'm just trying not to overdo things cuz it's the mistake I ALWAYS do, in the attempt to make something better.

Simple is best, and this will be awesome already.

Will there still be tinies in the game? Can the main character shrink? Is this still a giantess game??

Yes, yes, and YES!!!

The only difference this "turn to object" really brings to the game is a BETTER experience in becoming a woman's ultimate toy.

There WILL be times when the object will look nothing like a person, like if you were a "foot massaging cushion" (I'm working on that, it should make for a NICE scene lol) but you'll still have a face and a c*ck to grind against her feet and you'll have a vibrating mode, to simulate a vibrating massage (this will happen with audio and possibly some other coding way, I have to check if this would work).

Still, you'll be small, helpless, have minimal movement (basically just your face expression and your tongue, while her feet demolish your c*ck) and she'll unawarely make you into her personal foot licking thing on the floor. I think you'll love that.

As for ACTUAL Tinies, there will be of course, but they'll be colored as and VERY mistakable for tiny objects. For example:

-gummy man: you'll be a tiny gummy bear sized man, made entirely of soft, squishy, chewable material, colours will be something you'd expect to see in a pack of gummy bears or worms (bright yellow, red, blue, green, etc)

-pebble: this is the type of tiny that can't be crushed but can still get stuck under a shoe, between toes in a sandal, you name it

-chewing gum: this will be the bubblegum made tiny, bright pink or light greenish, which can be chewed, spat on the floor, can get stuck and carried around under a woman's shoe, and can not die (unless swallowed by mistake)

-sand: I'll work on a nice beach you can go to in your day off (or something) and there will be transformation there too. One of them will be into a tiny man entirely made of sand. Remind me.. where do girls always complain sand gets stuck into? XD

So far, these are a few ideas I can definitely use, and I'm pretty sure any giantess fan will be more than happy to explore these ideas (which, oddly enough, I haven't seen much of around...)

I don't know about you, but I'm super excited to test this and that, and push the limits of the giantess/shrinking fantasy to the limit! :D



But will the shrinking without transforming is gonna be like the main thing of the game and its plot or will the game will inclinide more to transformation? Will most of the game now will be shrunk into an object?


Absolutely not! You know that image with the tiny guy who's completely yellow at the girl's feet? That's a good example, but picture that with a lot more materials, sand, bubble gum, rock, sponge, biscuit, you name it!


It'll be shrinking and transformation all in one :P I don't think this has been done before or if it has there's not much around.