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Finally - the full animation! For a good start of the Pride Month. It definitely took me longer than I thought it would, and it's definitely longer than I intended, but I hope you enjoy it!

I'm planning the next animation as a shorter muscle-growth sequence, and in the meantime I'll organize a vote on the next animation. 


Verman_The Bodyguard_FULL


Benjamin N S

I loved it just sad at the end. Did he die the volunteer


I'm new to your site and REALLY love it. As I understand, you are receptive to hearing some fantasies your members may have. Here is one from me: I would love to see two of your MUSCLE GODS Flex for each other to really sexually excite each other and THEN have a COCK WRESTLING MATCH,. I'm getting hard just writing his to you.. Maybe wrapping each ohs cock in a COCK Bear hug and jacking each other off. I realize it takes many hours to make one of your videos, But I thought I would share my fantasy with you. As I said, I really like your work and am glad I found your site. Your fan, John


Wow, thank you for great ideas! To be honest - I do not receive that many fantasies that I would like to read :D So I appreciate any idea that I can adapt to my video. Thanks!


This video and the ones prior are shown as "Sorry this video does not exist". Is there a way to fix that ?


Hi! Sorry about that. Can you tell if it works now for you? There are some issues with vimeo.

Darth Wenis

This is a wonderful, beautiful and original animation. Thank you for sharing your point of view. I know a lot of guys are reviled by some of the sex they engage in and I wish it weren’t so.


Thanks for nice words! Making sex scenes are the most difficult part of the animation and in my upcoming creation there will no such one. Nevertheless, I treat them somewhat as an inseparable part of my work.