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We know you're all eagerly waiting for the new update as the release is getting closer.

This is a period of the football season when a lot of different stuff is happening simultaneously so there's a lot more work to be done than usual.

We're putting all our effort to make the new update ready as soon as possible and will give you the exact date of the release very soon.

One thing that I always wanna remind you is that we will never rush things just to put out the update. We take pride in maintaining the quality and will never put that in jeopardy for any reason, even if it costs us losing a few followers.

Thank you again to all who are supporting us and have the patience, it will all be worth it.

Also I would like to thank to all who gave their feedback through the latest poll which helps us to have a better understanding of what your main priorities are for the UML mod. We're doing this for you guys and your feedback is crucial for improving the UML mod.

Can't wait to show you guys our latest work


Sebastian Gonzalez Sanz

Since I've been working with UML Patch, I think it's the best, surpassing EvoWeb Patch and SmokePatch. I am forever grateful to you. I've also worked on pes patch before, so I understand how difficult this process can be.


No rush, totally addicted to ML since getting your Dec patch. All other gaming is gathering dust.