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The new UML edition is on it's way with some major updates and we decided to take the neccessary time to have everything set and ready for you guys.

It's definitely coming out this week but it's not gonna be on the 20th as previously estimated release date.

We want to make sure everything is in it's place so we'll rather take a few extra days to avoid any possible issues and not skip anything we planned to update.

Thank you guys for all the feedback and suggestions that you posted because it only improves the quality of the mod and see you in a few days with the release of the new edition of Ultimate Master League 2024!


Dennis S

Hello. I have installed the Virtua Red Patch V6 with all stages and the appropriate UML patch including all updates until May. How exactly do I have to proceed to install the Virtua Red Patch V7 and then the new UML patch that will be released soon?

Victor A

will it be released today?


maybe…the big work had already been done with early access, now it's just a matter of final transfers