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We created a March Update link so you can already send a request for it. The reason for this is if your Patreon membership is ending by the end of the month, you can now send a request to have access to the March Update when it's out.

There will possibly be a slight delay of the release due to the amount of updates we're still working on. There's a lot more new content than usual this month for the database and kitserver and we'll probably need a few more days to have it all done.

Thanks for understanding!

DOWNLOAD LINK: March Update (Work in progress)



every month delay


As we said before, we can release it earlier but it would be an unfinished update. We only have 30 days to work on each update and when there's a transfer window or start of a new season like it is for all South American leagues, then the amount of work suddenly gets bigger. I won't jeopardize the quality of the mod just to meet a strict deadline, it's just not what I would be okay with and not what I want UML to become. Trust me guys we're working full force to put out each update soon as possible and to maintain the quality we set for ourselfs, but sometimes it just takes a little bit more time to complete everything we have in plan.

antonio corbo

Couldn't we have the new 35 managers in the meantime?