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Good evening, 

originally I wanted to keep working today until the update is done and I got very close to it, the final scene was done earlier this evening and all that was now left to do is to write the aftermath. Problem with that however was again my ambition.

For the conclusion I made different results depending on who you accused of murder before. Also there is of course the other option where you sided with Syfa which causes another result on top. Also: a lot of the positions need to be adjusted and ofc dialogues have to be changed. This also goes for the dialogues with the women and the relationship building, after all it is possible to only begin the relationship after the ritual. Before they might have had reason to talk about an upcoming ritual, now that this is in the past the dialogue has to change!

There are a lot of these small details that all matter + I want a fitting return home talk with Mira back in Arenfield (there also has to be a dialogue with her about cheating with Heather). This is all too much for tonight as much as I want to be done with it already.
I'm starting to make mistakes out of tiredness so it's time to stop or the bugfixing will be a nightmare when I get to it.

This update has really brought me to my limits. The finishline seems so close now and if I wasn't so tired I would keep going. But I can't keep working another weekend now, I need the 2 days off this time. Still, it feels really bad to me.
I've learned a lot of this current update, I hope I can stop myself from making such a complex update again in the future however. It isn't fun having to delay a release again and again.

Ok. time to close this report with something positive. I'm absolutely sure that this update will be done in the coming week (I know I said this before but this time it's different).

This month I'll be then finally beginning to work on Melissa's content. I won't do the same mistake as with this last update again, I will only focus on her and no other woman. For her story I want to add a new feature to the game: treasurehunting. I already have some ideas on how to implement that in a way to spawn treasures in random locations which the MC can then search... however having an idea and then making it work are 2 pairs of shoes... So I don't want to promise more than I can fulfill, I'll keep you updated on that in my coming reports. Also before working on that I will add the bonus scene for Maui & Umah. If all goes well I can complete that scene by the end of the coming week.

So, a lot to do in the coming week, for now I will fall into bed and get some much needed sleep.
I wish you all a nice weekend!



I wonder how the Maui and Umah scene will work with Dasan in charge. Does the MC watch him pound both or does he join in like a 4some?


Hello Chyos. Could you have all my apologies. The bug i reported to you was a mistake from my part. I just fail to install the release correctly. There were 3 www directories in one, in my game's files. Lol. Otherwise keep doing good work, and have a nice sunday


I plan to make the scene a bit modular, after all I need to make variations of it for Umah who can have 2 different appearances.