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Good day,

Friday again and time to give you an update on my work on

The week started with the completion of Penny's bonusscene. This took a little longer because I ran into some issues with Penny's daily cycle during testing (with visiting the shop and now praying in the church on top it's getting busy).
After the scene was finally done I returned to work on the content around the monastery.

The next thing that is now on my to do list is to implement some interaction with the priestesses. For now I'm focussing on Heather & Bridget and I worked on animations for them in the past days. Mira also got another training animation, after all the other two already have one, so she has to do something in that regard as well. Agatha is also supposed to get a little something, but I haven't worked on that yet.

Today I've worked on the implementation of the animations I made, this will require a little more time but it should be possible to complete it by the end of the day.
In the coming week I want to finish the relationship building part for Heather & Bridget and continue with the murder case quest. I doubt that I can complete all of that in the coming week, but we will see.
At some point I have to get the ritual part of Mira's story done so this will have to be the focus in the week from the 24th - 28th. So I hope by the end of next week I can inform you that the murder quest is done (fingers crossed).

As said before I want to complete and with it Mira's stay at the monastery this month. I prolonged this by one month already, I have no plans to take even longer. So if I have to make cuts, it will probably be in the interaction with Heather and Bridget. But a minimum of interaction will be possible, as the image in the title suggests (and after all I already made the animations, so might as well add the scenes).

Another topic:
I've been suggested to offer you the option to add to the game's background story.
Now that there is a library at the monastery I might as well add some more books that the MC can read. So if you like, you can write a short story (has to fit on 2 book pages). This could for example be a story about teachings of the gods (a fable or similar) or deeds of former kings (fight against other kingdoms/races) or other tales that fit into the narrative (story about a famous knight or similar). I will ofc not put something in that doesn't fit at all, so if you want to write something I will read it and if it fits I'll add it to the game, if you want, I will ofc also credit you as author of the "book". I don't know if anyone is interested in this, but I liked the idea.
If you are interested in this you can contact me via discord/pm.

@Mayor: I've recently started a pre vote on discord to determine the next option that will be added to the bonusscene poll. If you want to participate check the #bonus-scene-prevote channel. The next bonus scene poll will start on the coming Monday (17th).

That's all for now. I will continue working a bit more before it's finally weekend time.
I wish you all a nice weekend!



Denis Beaubien

I'd like to know what would be the maximum words you need for your 2 book pages. I can give you a few stories that you can choose from even take them and adapt them to your plans or future plans. Also what format do you want them in? .txt files?

Kevin Daley

Love the idea for the library one problem is most likely going to pop up. you might want to drop another post with your spark notes on the basics of the world. Things like the different areas, kingdomes, races, age of world/kingdoms and what you want/dont want. People can make some good guesses and usurpations based on what we currently do have but information can be muddled or stylings not to the writers style (i know for a fact someone’s going to try going truly hard grimdark, and your not that into grimdark for instance). Reason why i see this as a problem is simple. theirs no database/wiki with the current lore so finding and matching up to the canon will be difficult at best. While as this will be a community thing rules and regulations will need to be put in place here, discord and on f95 for people who will add to said lore. We got a lot of great writers and modders here but the bases still need to be covered before you truly want us to start

Kevin Daley

Also on a vary important aside OWN ANYTHING PUT INTO THE GAME. If its in the game who wrote it or made it doesn’t matter. It’s now property of the game not the creator/writer. So you or others can add to, update or fix it as time gos by. Do not end up like fenoxo and not own your own shit. Thats how you end up with dictorial writers, no shows who restricted permission and unfinished storys/half baked plots not finished because the writer doesn’t care anymore or cares to much they will never let anyone touch their stuff even you. If they submit it and its put into the game, that means they signed the permission sheet and the rights to use said work. Do not relinquish control for content you did not write yourself.

Denis Beaubien

I still think that Chyros will quickly read them and select the ones that he can modify to his liking. And who knows, might also give him ideas. Don't forget it is historical, could have been the land of the Elves and Demons before man and orcs were created. You can call the land whatever you like in this case since it doesn't exist any more.


Hey, .txt would work fine. or you can just send me plain text in messages on discord or here on patreon. You might remember images in the game where the MC opens a book (recently during the quest at the monastery) that is the space that I intend to fill with such stories. Bigger and smaller is ofc always an option. It just needs to be readable for the player. I've put in an image of the book image at the bottom of the post so you get a better idea.


That is exactly the point. I won't put anything in that doesn't fit my own ideas for the story. And if necessary I will modify given stories a bit, and of course talk about it with the original author. But since it is very easy to spin side stories that don't directly impact the actual story I don't see a problem with this idea in general.

Kevin Daley

Good and it’s not a problem I’ve just seen good creators fall to this do to oversight or lack of control. As long as you have control there should be no problem with this at all.