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Good afternoon!

The week is almost over, so time for a look back at what I've been up to the last few days.

As the title suggests this week has been all about Penny's scene with Natasha.
For that I first made updates to both of their models before I then started working on animations and images. (4 animations for MC&Penny, 1 animation Natasha&Penny, 2 animations Penny/MC/Natasha) - For all animations that include Natasha I made 2 variations, so in total 10.

For the scene, in which Penny is confessing her sins to Natasha, I had to look into Penny's daily activities and see where it would fit in best. On top of that I needed a fitting trigger. My idea for that was a tracker of activities that Penny could consider as a sin (Sex in any variation). After a certain number of sins have been accumulated (currently it's set at 5), Penny will visit the church. If an interaction with Natasha takes place (the player needs to be involved for that to happen) Penny's sins are reduced to 0 and can be accumulated again.
If the player isn't involved (you miss it, or just don't want to see it) it will only be reduced by 1, which means she won't just go there the next day again (she wouldn't be doing anything else anymore). This way I make sure that should the player want to see the scene with Penny & Natasha it is easy to trigger (and even if he misses Penny's visit at the church he can easily trigger it again by increasing Penny's sins by 1 since if not participated it will stay at 4).

I'm currently still working on the dialogues for this scene (Because of Natasha's alternative character this is taking a bit longer), images are all done and implemented and while working on the scene I decided to give Penny's dialogue images a much needed update.
At this point I want to clarify, since it has been commented on: I didn't make any changes to Penny's model. The only thing I did was an update to her dialogue images since the old images with clothes on didn't match her actual model. The old dialogue images showed an incorrect hip size as they were made before Penny's first update in which she got sex scenes. For that update (I think it was in 2021) I made changes to her model and gave her bigger hips, because the original version of her was just a placeholder and I wanted her to have a chubbier body. That is visible in all of her scenes, but wasn't in her old dialogue images... I hope it is now clear why the update to her dialogue images were necessary.

I hope to finish the scene today, again I can't give a 100% commitment, but since I can work a few more hours today (2:30pm atm), it's likely I can finish it tonight.

Next week I'll return to the work on the monastery, the first goal will then be to add interaction for Heather & Bridget together with some scenes for both. If there is more time afterwards I will also continue the work on the murder story and general quest. As always I will inform you about my progress on that on the coming Friday.

Now back to working on Penny's scene!
I wish you all a nice weekend!

Edit 10:45pm:
I'm sorry, but I won't be able to complete Penny's scene tonight.
With the extra time I've put into the second revision of Penny's dialogue images, there is now unfortunately a lack of time to finish overall. It would have been tight even without that, but it's definitely impossible now. I'm still writing the dialogue for the scene during the confession, but the follow-up scene (in the basement) also needs a suitable dialogue in duplicate. It's all getting too much for me today. I'll finish the current dialogue now and finish the rest on Monday.




cool she no longer looks like she has no soul in them eyes :D


Damn them hips are sexy as hell , you did awesome!


New image looks so much better 😍