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Good day,

I was really happy when the update was finally done Monday night.
It took of course longer than the 4 hours that I had thought it would need to get everything done... Especially the transition between Arenfield and the monastery was something I had to test multiple times until it finally worked out the way I wanted it to.

The rest of the week I've been working on the last missing maps (scriptorium, refectory, garden, sanctum). The sanctum and garden still need some work, scriptorium and refectory are done by now. I hope I can finish the other 2 maps later today.
I've also been working on 3 additional monk characters and sprites/dialogue images for them. I came to the conclusion that I need more individual characters for the story around the murder in the monastery.
The script for this murder was very loose until a few days ago. The only thing that was certain was that I really wanted to write a story where the MC has to act as a detective and gather clues to find the killer. Now that I have roughly written all this together into a script I can begin with the actual writing of the dialogues. But of course before I can do that some more preparations have to be made (npc movement around the monastery).

I have high expectations for this update. At the same time I know that it will probably not be so easy to fulfill them. To think up the whole monastery from scratch is one thing, to fill it with life and also write a story about it + make sex scenes for the priestesses is another. All of this takes time, which I hope you will give me.

So about the plans for the coming week: Assuming that I can finish the last 2 maps today, on Monday I will begin implementing them + making transitions for them. After that I will be working on the daily cycles for all of the characters at the monastery. Make them go to bed, pray, do their daily work - This will need more sprites for sitting, sleeping and so on. In best case this will be done on Wednesday but it is very possible that it takes Thursday on top (we are talking about positions for 11 characters + non character monks). After that is done I will begin writing the events and dialogues for the story as far as I can get before the week is over.

So, a lot to do! But when all the necessary activities are done I can finally start with the fun part (writing the dialogs).
I will update you on my progress on the coming Friday!

For now I wish you all a nice weekend!


Kevin Daley

Ok so if this end up becoming a three month update I completely understand. Wow that’s alot of content


Will there be an option for Mira's boobs enhancement just like Natasha and Liandra ?

Kevin Daley

no. that was just special for those two. natasha was cursed water most likely amped by qwen to break her sisters most devote follower, while lindra is because girahn has a fetish and his fetish is BOOBS