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Good afternoon,

it's Friday again, so time to give you a short review of my past week.

Let's start with the most important question which is: When is the bonus scene coming out?
Answer: Maybe tonight, if not, then on Monday.
I've been working on that the whole week, but other than planned the images weren't completed on Monday evening but Wednesday night. By now I made 540+ images and a lot of them had to be edited beacause of clipping or other problems.
The implementation of them took me almost the entire Thursday. And since the early morning today I'm working on the actual dialogue and events for the scene.
So to sum it up: If I can get all the writing done until midnight together with some testing, then I will release it today, if it needs a bit more polish then on Monday.

Aside working on the bonus scene I've also been working on the performance of the game. Originally I wanted to work on this during the rework update, but I had to think about it a lot while I was on vacation and since I came up with a rather easy solution for the problem I wanted to get this in now and not wait until the rework update.
The things that cause the performance problems are 3 things: 1 is the light effects, 2 is the audio that gets emitted from things like rivers/fires/etc, 3 is a parallel event that checks if the players food/energy drops because too much time has passed or because he moved around.
1-2 is something that can already be turned off by using the option menu.
However 3 is what causes from my point of view the biggest problem. I tried to tune it down in the past, but the solutions for it weren't really satisfying. All the more I'm happy with my new solution which now removes the parallel process from running all the time and instead running a single process every full hour. This should significantly improve the performance of the game, especially on older systems.
Of course that means that hunger/energy isn't checked every second you move around, but that was a bit over the top anyway.
While it sounds like this is something I should have come up with earlier, it wasn't only the hunger system that is bound to this. There are also other events that rely on this process like notifications for Emily/Frisha and daily resets for quests and other events (Emily's kidnapp event for example).
So the problem of how if not parallel checking on the conditions was what prevented me from making this change earlier. So with the way it's now done I hope all the other events work out as before, but that will require some more testing.

Ok enough writing, I guess that is all there is to say for now. I'll now get back to work!

I wish you all a nice weekend!


Kevin Daley

Hm it’s going to be interesting to see how the hunger goes and I wonder how the new system for events like Emily will go down as well


Awesome to hear that the performance issues are getting some work. I've never really noticed them that much. So happy I bought the computer I have. Best thing I ever spent money on. One thing that has always bothered me though is that when using the mouse for walking your character around he always stops before reaching the point you clicked. He is stopping because he has noticed something like an herb. Is there a chance that could be removed?


Sadly not. I have looked into that problem already, but since this is a fundamental mechanic on how events work (in this case a detection event is triggered which either fails or succeeds), I don't think I can do anything about it. At least if I want to keep them as they are now. If I remove the detection part and they would be visible from the start that would of course work, but that would also remove a lot from the experience of exploring the map.


Understandable. It's only mildly frustrating. Only reason I hadn't said anything earlier is because I kinda assumed it wasn't really possible to fix without ruining or removing the detection feature.